Brand: Choose Chicago

Visit website:


Rebuild the Choose Chicago website so the content strategy actually matches the consumer journey.

I had many goals when tackling this project. First was to create a more immersive website experience for all audiences throughout the consumer journey. Second was improving partner value, while also introducing new advertising opportunities. Lastly, I wanted to build a platform that allowed for flexibility and scalability.

How did it go?

After multiple phases (plus the daunting task of eliminating over 3,000 redundant pages of website content), the new had a major lift in traffic, including an exciting increase in new users. Visitation and engagement from mobile visitors also grew, which was a key focus of the redesign.

More results:

  • Exceeded 2019 goal by 10% with over 9 million total visits.

  • Website won the 2020 Excellence in Tourism Award Best Website (Budget A) at the Illinois Governor’s Conference on Travel & Tourism

Best Website Award Choose Chicago

2020 Illinois Excellence in Tourism Award - Best Website - Choose Chicago


Brand: DreamWorks


Brand: City Winery Chicago